So last night I rented the newest film in the Riddick series. I like how Vin Diesel plays a character who is a lot like Conan the Barbarian, but it's science fiction. This is the perfect combo for a scfi action film. I really enjoyed all of the previous films, but this last one just seemed to be a bit rushed, and was lacking something. Riddick is left on a hostile planet, and is trying to get back to civilization by any means. He summons a rescue team by means of a homing beacon found in an abandoned station. This time they really lacked some details , such as what was he looking for, and will they continue this in another film? This film had all of the action that one would expect, and the ingenuity of Macgyver to keep you watching. But scenes seemed to flash by so fast that before you knew you think you missed something vital or did they just not make out more of the story? I liked this one, but felt that it was just average compared to the previous ones.
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