I know the video says 10/29/15 I was a little screwed up on my date due to studying my ass off for a trig test. Not quite as long a vid or list either.-
A friend of mine had a wishlist item that he posted on Facebook, and it was of a zombie bird feeder. I had never seen nor heard of such a thing in my life.(at the time I originally wrote this for Squidoo, and Amazon had such an item) So I did some further research and found some other unique items for fans of zombie/horror genre to enjoy. I have compiled a list of some in no particular order. Some are silly, some are fun, but all are ghoulishly good. So have fun, and browse this list.
My Zombie Family - Family Car Stickers
My family stickers seem to be all the rage now, but who wants to be just like everyone else. Show your different with these zombie family stickers.
These were just a few of the items that I discovered. This was a fun thing to research, and if you click any of the above links you can find other things zombie related.