Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Some Things I Love About CNY (Central New York)

When I say I'm from NY most people assume NYC. But I have to clarify that all the time that there is more to NY than just the Big Apple. For instance, Syracuse has a lot to offer tourists to our region which is centrally located in the middle of the state.

So I wanted to make a list of a few things that I think make Central NY a great place to live. I have to say that these are in no particular order. So here it goes:

1. The Great NYS Fair- Being that Syracuse is in the center of the state what better place than here to have our State fair? If you have only gone to your local county fair and have yet to go to this....what are you waiting for? The Great NYS Fair runs from late August till Labor Day. Last year they got a new Amusement provider and the Midway was HUGE. There are so many things to do and see. Animal barns, many varieties of carnival foods, attractions, and free music shows in Chevy Court.

2. Jreck Subs -  Yeah, there is Subway, and everyone knows them, but there is nothing quite like a Jreck sub. These Sandwich shops are located all over the CNY area. These subs are delicious, and they offer a sub of the day , which is a great value at almost half price and it's a whole sub.  They also have a sub of the month, which is always something unique. Not only do they offer subs, but they also offer Fried Pickles, and Sweet Potato French Fries.

3.Wegman's -  If I ever moved from CNY I would terribly miss this grocery store chain. Started in Rochester, NY this supermarket has become a staple of CNY shopping. One of the cool things about this store is that they let customers sample the food before committing to buying it.
Even Alec Baldwin, whose mother has been a long time resident of the region thinks this store is great.

4. White Christmas? - If you're one of those people who thinks it's not Christmas unless there is snow...well then you will love it here in Central New York. Where the snow falls in record breaking numbers. With an over abundance of snow one would find it hard not having snow for the Holidays.

5.Salt Potatoes - One of the delicacies of this region, and one that has been a staple of CNY Summer picnics. Made from baby potatoes and boiled in a saltwater solution until tender they are then served with melted butter. Yes they are salty, but oh so good.

6. Dinosaur Bbq - Who doesn't love barbecue, paired up with bikers and the blues. The inside and outside is decorated with murals from a famous CNY artist, named Eliot Matisse. The restaurant in Syracuse is the first and original Dinosaur BBQ. They soon opened chains throughout the state.  If you come to CNY you must try this place out. 

7. Byrne Dairy - Another CNY thing is a convenience store that sells milk, ice cream and other local products. They sell dairy products made from milk that comes from local farms. The milk they sell comes in glass gallon bottles. This store even sells holiday flavored milks, such as a green St. Patty's day milk that tastes like mint.

So if you ever get a chance to visit this region I hope this list will help you in discovering some of the things that we have to offer. Feel like I left something out? Leave a comment down below.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin

I never read this book in school, and decided to pick it up just because of it's historical value.  I had heard that this book had a part in  prompting American citizens to support the American Civil War.  I know I would have rather read a personal account from a former slave, but the author states in the last chapter of this book that the people and events were based on reality....of course the names were changed.

I will admit that the language which is of the slaves is hard to get through, as it's sometimes unintelligible.  I also found the overwhelming mentions of religion to be another reason for me not to really enjoy this book. I know that religion played a big part of that time period so I tried to overlook it.  I also found the chapter breaks to be very annoying, because the author jumped from one group or persons to another with no smooth transition. I will admit that I did find most of the characters to be believable, and found the title character to play a strong role in the persuasion of the author's argument to abolish slavery.

One of the most important things I learned from this book was that often as present day people we forget just how atrocious were the conditions under which slaves were treated, and that they were often separated from their families.  I think that films often focus on the brutality of slave treatment, but I found it touching how the author reminded the reader of the slaves humanity, and how they were no different in loving and wanting to be with their families.

Overall I rated this book 3 out of 5 stars on Goodreads just because I do not think this is the best example of slavery. I may have to someday read 12 Years a Slave to get the real deal.

No one has paid me to read and review this book. I have given my honest opinion of it, and the above Amazon links go to products which if are purchased I receive a very small percentage of the sale.